
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sunday Morning Sweet Rolls

Rob decided to make sweet rolls on Sunday morning.  He dutifully got out the Bosch and mixed up the dough.  He did a great job too!  Except the dough was super-d-duper sticky!  I saw this as a chance to put my Demarle to the test.  We let it rise in a "hosed down" bowl for the allotted time (if you've been to one of my shows you know that "hosed down" means sprayed to the max with Pam).  Sure enough, it still stuck to the bowl... but the trickiest part was getting it off my hands!  I thought I'd have to add flour to my Roul'pat, for surely there was no way this dough wasn't going to stick.  Guess what..... NO STICKING to the Roul'pat!  I was in awe!  It didn't even stick to my Beechwood rolling pin!  It looked like it was going to stick to the rolling pin, but nope!  It was amazing - truly!

I wanted to try baking the rolls in a variety of ways just to see which one worked the best.  I put rolls in my Deep Flexipat, on my Silpat and in my Round Tray.  They were all fantastic - I don't know that I preferred one over the other.  And actually, the Round Tray was just because I had a few extras that I didn't know what to do with.

This bowl was hosed down... think of what it would have looked like if it hadn't been!  I should have taken a picture of my hands... except I had to wash them before picking up my camera.

My son wanted to roll out the his Harry Potter costume.

No sticking!

I put rolls in my Deep Flexipat - it worked beautifully.

I put rolls on my medium Silpat - it worked beautifully.

I put a few stragglers in my Round Tray - it worked beautifully. (I filled the empty shapes with water before baking)

These ones went to friends.  Yum.

These ones went in our bellies.  Yum.


  1. Wished we lived closer because maybe I'd have gotten one from that first tray.


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