
Monday, February 7, 2011

Pecan Turtles

I got this recipe from my most excellent friend, Camille (together we are Camille squared... and no, I'm not talking about myself).  My 8 year old and I made them for a Superbowl snack.  He had a blast helping to make them and I had a blast eating them all (almost).

Are you ready for this's really hard.

-Put pretzels on your silpat (on the perforated  baking sheet, of course).  We used those little square pretzels.
-Put an unwrapped Rolo on the pretzel.
-Stick in the oven (preheated to 250) for 3 minutes.
-Press a pecan half down onto the Rolo.
-Stick in the freezer for a few minutes to set.

Do you see that one towards the top of the picture that has a pecan sticking straight up?  That's Rob's creation.  He was really proud of it.

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